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Return-path: <ota+space.mail-errors@andrew.cmu.edu> X-Andrew-Authenticated-as: 7997;andrew.cmu.edu;Ted Anderson Received: from beak.andrew.cmu.edu via trymail for +dist+/afs/andrew.cmu.edu/usr11/tm2b/space/space.dl@andrew.cmu.edu (->+dist+/afs/andrew.cmu.edu/usr11/tm2b/space/space.dl) (->ota+space.digests) ID </afs/andrew.cmu.edu/usr1/ota/Mailbox/EaAIizq00VcJEFZU4n>; Sun, 22 Apr 90 02:14:24 -0400 (EDT) Message-ID: <caAIiWG00VcJIFXk43@andrew.cmu.edu> Reply-To: space+@Andrew.CMU.EDU From: space-request+@Andrew.CMU.EDU To: space+@Andrew.CMU.EDU Date: Sun, 22 Apr 90 02:13:54 -0400 (EDT) Subject: SPACE Digest V11 #303 SPACE Digest Volume 11 : Issue 303 Today's Topics: Re: Radar (was Re: Drake Equation ometary Missions Jonathan's Space Report, Apr 19 Apollo-Soyuz Reunion ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 22 Apr 90 01:40:25 GMT From: calvin.spp.cornell.edu!johns@cu-arpa.cs.cornell.edu (John Sahr) Subject: Re: Radar (was Re: Drake Equation In article <2317@wrgate.WR.TEK.COM> dant@mrloog.WR.TEK.COM (Dan Tilque) writes: [] >Now the largest military radars (as I said in an earlier post) are >large phased array systems which watch for ICBMs. The U.S. has five of >them (or did that last I heard). Three of these, located in Alaska, >Greenland and England, look for missiles launched from the Soviet >Union. The other two are located on the U.S. east and west coasts and >look for submarine launches missiles. These last two use over the >horizon radar (using a troposcatter effect, I think) so much or most of >their emissions probably do not escape to space. [] OTH radars use ionospheric refraction to see "over the horizon." Tropospheric scatter has its uses, but the big OTH radars don't rely on it. The one I know about is several MW continuous power, using an FM ramp to determine range (and other techniques to determine Doppler shift). It has the ability to pick an operating frequency from 3-20 MHz or so to pick optimum "skip." [] >In order to detect ICBMs, these radars would have to have ranges of >about 2 or 3 times that of regular radars. That means that (assuming >similar receiver sensitivity) they would use 16 to 81 times the power >of ordinary radar (which typically run about 2-5 MW). Not necessarily true. For an OTH radar, the signal return is currently limited by clutter, notably ionospheric irregularities. Thus, increasing the transmitter power just increases the clutter. Even for the DEW-line radars, it may be pointless to increase the power. Consider that the "E-region horizon" is only 1100 km away (you can see a 100 km tall mountain from 1100 km), and ICBM trajectories are fairly low. Also, there can be a lot of ionospheric junk happening during magnetic disturbances, and these radars are bothered by such clutter. The thermal fluctuation of the ionospheric plasma is enough to cause noticable backscatter ("incoherent scatter"), even when the ionosphere is "calm." High altitude bombers are only up about 15 km or so, and low altitude bombers can be very low indeed. It is pointless to increase the transmitter power to see them any better (unless you want more detail, perhaps). >of ordinary radar (which typically run about 2-5 MW). 2-5 MW is a pretty boss transmitter, no matter what. There are certainly radars with much lower power. The CUPRI radar, for upper atmospheric irregularity studies, has a transmitter (peak) power of about 40 kW, and I have heard of two radar systems that used only about 1 kW. Radio amateurs familiar with "meteor scatter" accompish hard target scatter at hundreds of kilometer ranges with a few hundred watts of transmitter power. -- John Sahr, | Electrical Engineering - Space Plasma Physics johns@alfven.spp.cornell.edu | Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853 ------------------------------ Date: 20 Apr 90 13:05:15 GMT From: spock!grayt@uunet.uu.net (Tom Gray) Subject: ometary Missions In the popular press there are explanations from astronomers on the reasons that some comets (ie Austin and Kahoutek) are anomolously bright when discovered. The reason given is that these comets are entering the solar system first time. They are losing an excess amount of mass at large distances since they are losing low boiling point "volatiles" that have been lost from periodic comets. My naive interpretation of this is that the composition of a comet will change with the number of entries to the inner solar system. The outer layers of the comet will become depleted in materials at different rates depending on their volatilities. The structure of the comet will thus become differentiated with the chemical composition of the core differing from the outer crust. Is this interpretation correct? One of the justifications of cometary missions was to collect material which would indicate the chemical composition of the primordial solar nebula. If the composition of periodic comets has become differentiated, is this justification proper? Did the measurements of the compostion of Halley's tail indicate the composition of the solar nebula or just the composition of a periodic comet? Solar nebula measurements would seem to justify the expense of the missions much more than a cometary composition measurement. There have been suggestions of missions to land on comets and analyze samples. Would these samples have to be taken from a subsurface region? ------------------------------ Date: 19 Apr 90 19:30:28 GMT From: frooz!cfa250!mcdowell@husc6.harvard.edu (Jonathan McDowell) Subject: Jonathan's Space Report, Apr 19 Jonathan's Space Report Apr 19, 1990 (no.35) ---------------------------------------------------- The launch of orbiter Discovery and the Hubble Space Telescope has been rescheduled for Tuesday, Apr 24. Anatoli Solov'yov (Komandir) and Aleksandr Balandin (Bortinzhener) continue in orbit aboard the Mir complex. The Soyuz TM-9 transport and the Progress M-3 freighter are currently at the station. Solov'yov and Balandin have been in space for 67 days. The launch of the Kristall module has been delayed until June. The second of the two satellites retrieved by Discovery in 1984, Palapa B-2, was relaunched into orbit on Apr 13 by a Delta 6925 rocket from Cape Canaveral. (The first was Asiasat, formerly Westar 6, relaunched last week from China.) Palapa is owned by the Indonesian telecommunications agency Perumtel and will be used to relay communications and TV between the islands of the Indonesian archipelago. It is a Hughes HS-376 class comsat, and is the third Palapa B to reach stationary orbit. Palapa was owner by the insurers after recovery, and then sold to Sattel, Inc. which later sold it back to the Indonesians. (If anyone can shed light on the complicated ownership history of Westar, please let me know.) Three small DoD research satellites were launched by an Atlas E from Vandenberg on Apr 11. The Atlas carried an Altair III upper stage left over from the Scout program. (Reports that the vehicle was an "Atlas-Scout" are rather an overstatement; the Altair is the fourth stage of the Scout vehicle.) The three satellites are: Polar Orbiting Geomagnetic Survey, Transceiver Experiment, and Selective Communications Experiment. The first will map the Earth's magnetic field, while the other two will study radio communications through the ionosphere. NASA's Pegsat released its first barium canister on Apr 15. The barium spreads along the magnetic field lines, allowing the field to be traced. The Kosmos-2062 recon satellite landed on Apr 5. Eight small Soviet Navy communications relays, Kosmos-2064 to Kosmos-2071, were launched on a single Kosmos rocket on Apr 6. This is the 43rd launch of this type since the program began in 1970. A new program began in 1985, with 6 satellites at a time launched on the newer Tsiklon vehicle, and this may eventually supersede the 8-satellite program. Kosmos-2072 was launched on Apr 13. No details yet. Glavkosmos launched a Foton materials processing satellite on a two week mission on Apr 11. This is the seventh launch of a Foton (the 3rd to be officially named) and carries a French experiment among its payload. The Foton uses a Vostok spacecraft bus and carries several processing furnaces to process crystals and pharmaceutical materials. There is one flight per year, each April. Launches are from Plesetsk aboard a Soyuz rocket. Summary of previous Foton flights: ID Name Date Dur(d) Orbit (km, deg) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- FotA1 Kosmos-1645 1985 Apr 16-29 13 215x390x62.8 FotA2 Kosmos-1744 1986 May 21-Jun 4 14 219x373x62.8 FotA3 Kosmos-1841 1987 Apr 24-May 8 14 218x381x62.8 FotA4 Foton 1988 Apr 14-28 14 219x374x62.8 FotA5 Foton 1989 Apr 26-May 12 16 222x378x62.8 FotA6 Foton 1990 Apr 11-* (c) 1990 Jonathan McDowell .----------------------------------------------------------------. | Jonathan McDowell | phone : (617)495-7144 | | Center for Astrophysics | uucp: husc6!harvard!cfa200!mcdowell | | 60 Garden Street | bitnet : mcdowell@cfa.bitnet | | Cambridge MA 02138 | inter : mcdowell@cfa.harvard.edu | | USA | span : cfa::mcdowell (6699::) | | | telex : 92148 SATELLITE CAM | | | FAX : (617)495-7356 | '----------------------------------------------------------------' ------------------------------ Date: 22 Apr 90 05:25:34 GMT From: uokmax!uokmax.ecn.uoknor.edu!jabishop@apple.com (Jonathan A Bishop) Subject: Apollo-Soyuz Reunion Tom Stafford is hosting a reunion of all five Apollo-Soyuz astronauts and cosmonauts in Oklahoma City for the 15th anniversary of the flight. Other than a brief article in the local paper announcing it, not much has been published. I will post more info when it becomes available. -- jabishop@uokmax.ecn.uoknor.edu "I'm President of the United States and I'm NOT going to eat any more broccoli!" -- George Bush ------------------------------ End of SPACE Digest V11 #303 *******************